Dear Ray,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the many things that I have received since I came to visit you 5 weeks ago. The tools I received have enabled to take control over several medical issues which have impacted upon me. I feel very confident that I now have an opportunity to enjoy a much healthier life style. The eating plan does really work!
My doctor was away on holidays and I had not seen him since he made the referral to you. His response to the changes were very typical of the many people that have seen the transformation. His final statement sums up his reaction, he stated “it’s tremendous, and amazing! You made my day!”
Here are some of the actual facts that I have been able to achieve:
– Previously on 80mg Micardis ( prescribed after stroke ) 3 years previously. The medication was prescribes as a result of a stroke and needed to maintain sustainable blood pressure (maintained at 125/80). After two weeks the reading had reduced dramatically and now the when the doctor took it the reading was 115/66, with a resting heart rate 67.
Weight loss
– I came to you and was 99.5 kg. I thought if I got to 95 kg that would be a good result. Right now I stand at 88kg!
– Previous pants 112cm. First pair 97cm and now loose. Current pair 92cm or 36 in the old scale
– For so long wore XL shirts.Now I am able to fit comfortably in M
What I find amazing is that I have previously taken the weight off twice using shakes and just exercise however once I achieved my goal I went back to the old habits and the weight would always return. Now, I just tell people I have been given a plan that enables me to eat food that is beneficial.
In closing I look to maintain a long and positive relationship, because in your approach I feel that anything is achievable and now am rewarded in so many ways. I know you have assisted many high achievers and elite athletes. I had my first game of golf in 2 years, just one of the many positives I have received.
Fondest regards
I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Ray Kelly around 4 months ago, when I decided that I wanted to lose weight and get fit. I weighed in at 114.1kg, was very un-fit and a heavy smoker, I never thought I would ever achieve what I did achieve whilst living at “The New Me” weight loss retreat in Melbourne and being trained and guided by Ray over a 12 week period.
In my first week with Ray, I had a bitter attitude towards exercise, I was the least fit in the group of 5 and hated the fact that I couldn’t keep up. I gave up smoking the minute I walked into the retreat, so I was battling two things at once.
I remember a particular training session with Ray, where he made us do Indian runs outside in the early morning, I hated this day, everyone was at the stage where they could run for a few moments (approximately 20 metres) and I was always last, I just felt like I couldn’t do it. Ray thought otherwise, he told me that I was a runner and that he would prove it to me as the weeks go on. 12 weeks on and he was right, after many sessions of pain and doubt, I can now run for 10 km’s in one hour and feel great. All thanks to his dedication, training style and effort. He supported me through the toughest of times and made me realise that I had it In me to be this fit, strong, confident person that I am today.
My attitude towards exercise has completely changed, I now love working out and always want to achieve new results.
Everyday was a new day with Ray, I was never bored, in fact I would look forward to the challenges he would bring for the day.
His support was amazing. He pushed me to limits I never thought were possible, he knew when and how to push me so that every session was a great session and a session where I achieved new results.
In 12 weeks I lost 26kg, I have gained confidence and strength. I can do things I never thought I could do. Ray is an amazing person, his knowledge and experience are evident in the way he works and the results his clients achieve. His book “Winners Do What Losers Don’t” has helped me immensely upon my return to Sydney, I use it everyday to help me spice up my training style and keep it interesting.
I would recommend Ray as a personal trainer to absolutely anyone, I have him to thank for everything I have achieved and would never have done it without him.
Thank you Ray,
Danny – Sydney
After battling with my weight all of my life (my mother sent me to boarding school when I was 12yrs old to lose weight) and yo-yo dieting all my adult life, I decided to try something different after seeing a friend from Curves lose 9kg with an Exercise Physiologist named Ray Kelly.
The first week the results were an amazing 3.7kg. All up I have lost 6.8kg in 4 weeks. The program is quite strict food-wise, but I never felt hungry, ever!
I discovered my problem was mainly salt, carbs, and wine. I have now gone from 78.8kg to 72kg, and feel so much happier and healthier.
Ray is a very motivated mentor, he is kind and understanding, very enthusiastic, and wants to get results, like yourself. I have been surprised how well this program has worked for me. I have tried many others, without much success.
Ray’s program works!
I’m a 67 year old retired male that used to sit down at the job 12 hours per day. I was forced into retirement by illness at 66 years of age and being a sufferer of Angina, Stage 2 diabetic, and Sleep Apnoea as well as 2 arthritic feet and weighing between 115Kg and 117Kg my family doctor referred me to see Ray Kelly, Exercise Physiologist, to assist me in a weight loss programme.
I being the optimist I am, went to visit Ray with the belief that if I couldn’t lose weight myself, no one else is going to be able to do it for me. I had difficulty walking without angina pain and arthritic pain in my feet and was terribly short of breath after a short distance.
Well after speaking to Ray my attitude was completely reversed. I decided at once to listen to him and change my habits and follow his instructions and eating the diet to the letter I am now in my fifth week and my weight has dropped from 115kg to 103kg and still going down. I can now walk 2 kilometres every day without any pain and I now don’t need to use my Cpap [sleep Apnoea] machine when sleeping. Clothes I have had in my closet for years now fit and I have had to dispose of many items that no longer fit me. I am continuing to attend Ray’s clinic and be guided by him to attain a better goal weight than I originally set for myself.
May I conclude by saying that if anyone wishes to become a better healthy person, make your first contact with Ray Kelly.
Thank You Ray!
I had my first visit with Ray 10 weeks ago. My Doctor advised me to see Ray and I went with great trepidation and embarrassment. I badly lacked confidence and self-esteem being a 63 year old woman weighing 126.8kg and only 155cm tall. I was wearing size 26 clothes and very overwhelmed by the thought of what lay ahead.
From the first time I saw Ray he gave me the confidence and self-belief that I could achieve a healthy weight and fitness.
At the time of my first visit with Ray I had very limited mobility (arthritis in joints) and had great difficulty doing the most simple of household tasks. Ray even had to do up my shoelaces for me.
In the ten weeks with Ray I have lost 21kg (how good is that!) and now walk for at least 1 hour every day. I can do my housework with no difficulty now and can also do up my own shoelaces.
From Day 1, Ray’s encouragement and support gave me the confidence and self-belief that I can achieve my goals for a healthy weight and fitness. My goal is to lose at least 46kg.
Ray, words can’t express my appreciation for what you have done for me. Your kindness and confidence building is unsurpassed and I know that with your continued help I will achieve and maintain my goals.
My heartfelt thanks to you Ray,
Ray Kelly is amazing. Up until the August 8th 2011, my life was going no where, and I was at the biggest I ever have been sitting on 145kgs. I had my first EPC (Enhanced Primary Care) referral from my Doctor to meet Ray on this day and I can honestly say he has changed my life. I don’t know how he does it but the man oozes confidence, positive energy, and every word he speaks I took on board with the belief that I can turn my life around, and sitting here writing this testimonial I can say I have done that. Within 15 weeks I have gone from not being able to walk for more then 10min on a treadmill to jogging on it for 30mins without a worry in hell.
I think that just the way he comes across as a person towards you, with the attitude of being on the level of a person who is obese and not healthy to start with is the most that counts. Like I walked in to meet him the first time and thought to myself, this is just another dietician etc, but no he is a lot more then that.
With his previous experience on the Biggest Loser with former winners, I knew that I had found the light at the end of the tunnel, and as each week goes by, its more turned into a friendship, with me not wanting to let him down, by busting myself to show him that he picked the right guy to help out .
There’s lots of people out there that have told me along the way to losing currently 37kg in 16 weeks what I should be doing, and not be doing, but I have not listened to any of them, and there’s only one person I have and it’s Ray Kelly.
So to wrap it all up, all I can say is that if you listen to what this man has to say and you have the right mind set in wanting to do something about yourself, with out making excuses and work hard at it, anything in life can be done, as I am walking talking proof of this.
Yours sincerely Clinton Aspey.
My name is Christine and I am writing this testimonial to say how life changing Ray Kelly’s program is. I started the program on the 8th August 2011, I weighed 149.6kg and at that stage in my life I didn’t care if I didn’t wake up of a morning. I slept in till midday most days and did next to no movement as my joints ached I really was in a dark place as I had tried nearly every weight loss program around and had given up on life.
After my first visit with Ray I decided I would at least give his program a try. I struggled to walk the 5 minutes every hour between 9am and 3pm as he asked but did it. I also followed his eating plan which by the way is plenty of fresh food. Now 16 weeks later I have lost a total of 29.1kg and can now walk for 90 minutes non stop. I can now go to the shopping centres and walk around which I used to avoid because of the pain and breathlessness. My doctor has now taken me of Atacand for my blood pressure.I can now have a bath which I was unable to do, I could only shower.
I am so grateful to Ray for helping me to turn my life around with his motivation and encouragement. I now look forward to each day and I am a happier,healthier and more confident person now and even though I am only part way through my journey to be where I want to be I know I will get there.
Words cannot express how thankful I am to Ray for what he has done to help me live my life again.
Dear Ray
I am writing to sincerely thank you for introducing me to your wonderful program.
I have tried many diets and fads during my adult life, with fleeting results, all ending with my putting the weight back on.
In September, I was diagnosed with renal cancer – a very large tumour was found in my left kidney. I also had other health issues, as a result of being overweight. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, impaired fasting glucose and inability or lack of motivation to exercise.
After surgery, my GP and my renal specialist both stressed the necessity to lose weight and get moving, otherwise the consequences would eventually be dialysis, resulting in a much shorter life span. My GP referred me to you, as she had had other patients who had achieved great success after being introduced to your program.
From my very first visit, I have been very motivated and inspired by you. I have been overwhelmed by the life changing experience. As a result of my change of diet and exercise, and within a short period of time, I have lost considerable weight, resulting in my blood pressure, my cholesterol and my insulin levels now considered in the acceptable or normal range.
I now feel very encouraged and enthusiastic in continuing with your healthy lifestyle program. I have more kilos to lose, and am very confident that I can achieve my goal weight.
Your program has enabled me to take control and I have no doubt that I will maintain my new lifestyle changes for the rest of my years.
Once again, I wholeheartedly thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience your care, dedication and enthusiasm in achieving a new and healthier me.
Sincerely Jim
In early December, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Procedures were set in place to help with this condition, and one of the recommendations was that I needed to lose weight to assist my breathing while sleeping and to reduce the risk of other medical conditions.
I was referred to Ray Kelly by my doctor and I first saw him on December 11. Whilst I knew I had put on weight, I truly had not realised how big I had become.
It was obvious I had to make some serious lifestyle changes. The mask I wore at night for sleep apnea helped me get better rest, and thus have some more energy during the day. However, Ray Kelly put me on the right track regarding diet and exercise, what not to eat or snack on, but still having wholesome meals and occasional snacks. Christmas and all the festivities were going to be a test – but by this time, I was already losing weight and feeling better, so it really wasn’t difficult to mainly stick to my program. It took willpower, but the incentive was greater than the temptation to lapse back.
My family got me a treadmill for Christmas and this has been great. I bang a DVD on the TV, and off I go (Although the dog preferred the outside walks!). My family also bought me a bike which I now ride around the lake.
Two weeks after Christmas, my eldest daughter got married and I was getting almost as much attention as her, with my noticeable weight loss. Last Saturday, my eldest son and his fiancé had their engagement party at our house, and the compliments were really flying about how much better I looked. Of course, its good to get compliments, but best of all is the way I feel. I have got my old energy levels back, I no longer have “nanna naps”, I feel fitter – and I’ve lost 21 kilos in 6 weeks! The only downside is I keep having to buy new trousers!
The constant support of going each week to Ray Kelly has helped me keep on track. The results have been enough to keep me motivated and I haven’t felt this good in so many years. I am determined to continue this lifestyle and reduce my weight to a healthy weight range.
If you are overweight and have been struggling to lose weight and be healthier, don’t despair!
I had given up trying to lose weight and couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, I couldn’t even see the tunnel, let alone the light at the end!
My doctor referred me to Ray Kelly, and since then not only have I lost weight, but my whole attitude to eating has changed.
Ray is a unique man, with the ability to instill confidence in you and motivate you. Ray’s outlook and attitude are contagious. When I left Ray’s office I had total belief in myself and knew that if I simply stayed on Ray’s program I would lose weight. Success was inevitable because Ray had ‘shown me the way’ and believed in me.
Thank you Ray for giving me my life back. I have lost 17kg in 5 weeks and I am almost half way to my goal weight. I know that I am certain to both reach and maintain a healthier weight. I feel physically and emotionally great and recommend Ray’s program to anyone and everyone!
Go see Ray if you want to lose weight. If you do, the next testimonial you read here could be your own.
The decision is in your hands!